15 Surprising Benefits Of Choosing Vegan Clothing

Vegan clothing is not just for animal lovers and environmentalists. It can also be beneficial for your health and the environment. Here are 15 surprising benefits of choosing vegan clothing:

19 Unexpected Advantages To Living A Vegan Lifestyle
Choosing vegan clothing has numerous benefits for the environment, animals, and human health.
Veganism is a lifestyle that can help create a more sustainable and ethical food system.
Making the switch to vegan fashion can reduce harm to animals and the environment.
A well-planned vegan diet can provide all the necessary nutrients and has numerous health benefits.
Vegan beauty products offer a cruelty-free alternative to conventional cosmetics that are tested on animals.

1. Show your Love for Animals

One of the most obvious benefits of choosing vegan clothing is that it shows your love for animals. Vegans are people who abstain from consuming animal products, such as meat, eggs and dairy. By choosing to shop only cruelty-free clothing, you will be avoiding animal products while still looking great!

The idea that animals are sentient beings with feelings and desires just like human beings can be a difficult concept to grasp when you’re immersed in our culture’s current standards of eating meat.

However, it’s important to remember that every living creature deserves equal respect and consideration and this includes those we eat! 

If you want to show your compassion for all living things (including bunnies), then consider making the switch from leather shoes or wool sweaters to ones made from synthetic materials instead.

Veganism is not just a trend, it’s the future of food. By choosing a vegan lifestyle, we can help create a more sustainable and ethical food system. Learn more about why veganism is important by checking out our article on Why Veganism Is the Future of Food.

2. Reduce Water Consumption with Vegan Clothing

When you’re shopping for vegan clothing, it’s important to look for brands that are committed to sustainable manufacturing processes. 

By choosing a brand that uses environmentally friendly materials and practices, you can reduce water consumption in several ways:

Avoiding leather production saves a lot of water. The process of tanning leather requires huge amounts of water; in fact, according to World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), up to 20 liters (5 gallons) of water is required for every 1 kilogram (2 pounds) of leather produced! 

Plus, toxic chemicals used in the tanning process pollute rivers and contaminate groundwater supplies. Just by avoiding animal-based products altogether and choosing vegan alternatives instead, you’ll be helping save a lot more than just your own skin—you’ll also be helping save the planet’s precious natural resources.

Choosing natural fabrics instead of synthetics will also help reduce your environmental footprint as well as reduce unnecessary wastefulness because these fabrics tend not to break down easily or quickly like synthetic fibers do over time due their composition being made up entirely from petroleum based materials which makes them susceptible breaking down into smaller pieces rather than breaking down completely into nothingness like other types would do under similar conditions.”

3. Lower CO2 emissions

The vegan way of life is more environmentally friendly

Clothes made from synthetic fabrics, such as polyester, are made from petroleum, which requires a lot of energy to extract. 

This means that when you buy clothes made from this material, your CO2 emissions are higher than if you had bought a garment made from natural fibers like wool or cotton. Vegan clothing tends to be made using less wasteful practices and resources because it’s designed to be more sustainable from start to finish. 

For example:

Some vegan clothing brands use recycled materials in their production processes; some even have policies against using virgin materials altogether! This saves landfill space and reduces energy consumption during the manufacturing process.

Many make use of renewable resources (like bamboo) instead of non-renewable ones (like petroleum). 

These materials can then be reused or repurposed after they’ve served their purpose as clothing like through composting them into soil fertilizer instead of throwing them away into landfills where they’ll sit for hundreds of years before decomposing completely

The environmental impact of a vegan diet is significant and cannot be ignored. Choosing a vegan lifestyle can help reduce our ecological footprint and protect the planet. Check out our article on The Environmental Impact of a Vegan Diet to learn more about how our food choices impact the environment.

4. Avoid Harmful Chemicals like Pesticides and Fertilisers

Pesticides and fertilisers are used in the production of cotton, which is used to make clothing. Both are known to be harmful to humans and other animals. 

Pesticides affect the nervous system, reproductive system and digestive tract of humans as well as other animals including bees who pollinate plants that produce our food supply. Fertilisers are also toxic for both humans and wildlife alike.

Dyes used to dye clothes contain heavy metals such as lead or cadmium that leach into water sources around factories where dyeing takes place (source).

GlyphosateA weed killer used in cotton production that has been classified as a probable human carcinogen.
FormaldehydeA chemical used in clothing production that can cause skin irritation and respiratory issues.
Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)Used in waterproofing and stain-resistant finishes on clothing, but they are toxic and can persist in the environment.
Azo dyesSynthetic dyes used in textile production that can contain heavy metals and carcinogenic chemicals.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)A plastic used in clothing production that can release toxic chemicals during production and disposal.

In this table, we’ve highlighted some of the harmful chemicals to avoid in vegan clothing. By choosing clothing made without these chemicals, you can reduce your exposure to toxins and support sustainable and ethical practices in the fashion industry.

5. Avoiding Toxic Chemicals which are used in leather production

Leather production is a very toxic process. The tanning of skins, especially cow and sheep skins, uses many chemicals and pesticides. 

These toxic chemicals are also used in the production of other materials like plastics which are harmful to humans as well as animals. They can cause cancer and other health problems, so it’s best to avoid them altogether if possible! 

Some people may think that the benefits of choosing vegan clothing outweigh this risk but when you consider the fact that animal agriculture accounts for most of our planet’s water usage and greenhouse gas emissions you might change your mind!

Going vegan has numerous benefits for our health, the planet, and animals. From reducing the risk of chronic diseases to reducing greenhouse gases, the reasons to go vegan are compelling. Discover more reasons to go vegan today by reading our article on 10 Mind-Blowing Reasons to Go Vegan Today.

6. Protect the Cotton Farmers from Harsh Chemicals

Cotton is one of the most popular fabrics used in today’s clothing. A lot of people don’t know that cotton farming is responsible for the use of harsh chemicals, which can lead to skin irritations and allergies. 

Some of these chemicals are also used in leather production, so even if you’re not vegan, you’ll still want to be conscious of what types of materials are being used in your clothing. 

This is why choosing vegan options like linen, silk and wool will give you peace of mind knowing that they came from naturally-grown fibers instead of something synthetic or made from animal products.

7. Say Goodbye to Animal Waste Pollution

It’s not just the meat, eggs and dairy that come from animals that contribute to animal waste pollution. There’s also leather and wool and even down feathers from ducks used for jackets or pillows.

Animal waste is a major source of pollution, but it doesn’t have to be this way: when you choose vegan clothing, no animals are harmed in order for you to clothe yourself!

8. Lower Cancer Risk by Eating Vegan

One of the most important benefits of becoming vegan is the reduced risk of cancer. Not only has it been shown that a vegan diet can help you lose weight and improve health, but if you practice this way of eating for long enough, it can reduce your risk of cancer by up to 50%. This includes breast, prostate and colorectal cancers.

In terms of breast cancer rates: “Women who eat a lot more fruits and vegetables have a lower risk for breast cancer than those who eat less than one serving per day” (source). 

A study published in The Journal Of American Medical Association also found that women who consumed high amounts of fiber from grains had a greater risk reduction after suffering from colorectal cancer because fiber helps remove toxins from your body (source).

Vegan fashion is on the rise, and for good reason. Choosing vegan clothing is a way to stay stylish while reducing harm to animals and the environment. To learn more about the benefits of vegan fashion and explore some vegan clothing brands, check out our article on Why Vegan Fashion Is the Future of the Industry

9. Consider Cruelty-Free Fabrics by Buying Vegan Clothes

By buying vegan clothes, you can avoid animal products like leather and fur. You may also want to avoid silk, wool, nylon and polyester because these are made from the hair of animals (e.g., sheep). The Humane Society International has an extensive list of fabrics that are not animal-derived.

The best way to ensure that your clothing is cruelty-free is to make sure it’s labeled as such by the designer or manufacturer. 

This means it was made without any animal products or byproducts at all! Some common vegan fabrics include organic cotton and hemp; however there are many other options out there too such as bamboo or plant-based blends with recycled materials like plastic bottles that would otherwise end up in landfills if they were placed there instead of being used for clothing production purposes!

Fabric TypeDescription
Organic cottonGrown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
HempGrows quickly and without the need for pesticides or herbicides. It’s also biodegradable and has a small carbon footprint.
CorkHarvested from the bark of cork trees, which can regenerate after harvesting. It’s durable and water-resistant.
TencelMade from sustainably sourced eucalyptus trees and is biodegradable.
PiñatexMade from pineapple leaf fibers and is a sustainable, animal-free alternative to leather.

In this table, we’ve highlighted some of the cruelty-free fabrics used in vegan clothing. By choosing clothing made from these materials, you can support ethical and sustainable practices in the fashion industry, while also avoiding the use of animal-derived materials.

10. Fewer Pests and Parasites with Eco-friendly Fabrics

If you’re looking for eco-friendly fabrics, vegan clothing is the way to go. It’s not only better for the environment, but also for the animals that are used in its production.

You’ll find that vegan clothing is less likely to attract pests and parasites than other types of fabric because it doesn’t contain any animal products (such as wool). This makes your skin healthier and reduces your risk of getting certain diseases or infections.

Vegan clothes are often more durable than non-vegan clothes because they’re made with more durable materials like cotton or hemp. 

They also last longer thanks to their high quality construction techniques which allows them last longer than their non-vegan counterparts

Making the switch to vegan beauty products can improve not only your health but also the lives of animals. By choosing cruelty-free and vegan cosmetics, you can reduce the demand for animal testing and promote animal welfare. To learn more about the benefits of vegan beauty products, check out our article on 15 Surprising Benefits of Using Vegan Beauty Products.

11. Reduce Waste Disposal Problems by buying durable vegan clothes

Durable fabrics last longer, so you can wear them for a long time before throwing them away. When you do discard an item of clothing, it will be easier to dispose of and more likely to be recycled. You can also donate or compost these items, which helps the environment by reducing waste disposal problems.

12. Skip Out on Allergies and Skin Irritations of Non-vegan clothes

A lot of non-vegan materials are made with animal hair, skin, dander, byproducts, or excrement. This means that when you wear them you’re potentially exposing yourself to allergens that can cause itching, redness and swelling. 

Anti-allergic clothing is a great choice for those who suffer from allergic reactions to wool or other fabrics.

13. Buy Vegan Clothing to Save the environment for future generations

  • You’re making a difference for the environment.
  • Vegan clothing is more durable and longer lasting than conventional clothing, so you don’t have to worry about replacing it every few months.
  • It’s also much easier on your bank account. The average vegan woman (or man) spends less than $100 per year on shoes and accessories, compared with $500+ per year for most non-vegan women (and men). This means that by switching over completely to vegan fashion, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars each year!
Brand NameDescription
PatagoniaUses recycled materials and fair labor practices to create sustainable outdoor apparel.
AdidasOffers a range of vegan shoes and apparel made from recycled materials.
Stella McCartneyDesigns luxury, eco-friendly clothing made from sustainable materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester.
People TreeCreates ethical and sustainable clothing using sustainable materials like organic cotton, Tencel, and bamboo.
Matt & NatOffers vegan handbags and accessories made from recycled materials like rubber and nylon.

In this table, we’ve highlighted some of the most environmentally-friendly vegan clothing brands to consider when making your next purchase. Choosing these brands over conventional clothing can help reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future for generations to come.

14. Vegan Fashion Helps to Protect Human Rights

Vegan clothing is not tested on animals.

Vegan clothing does not contain animal products.

Vegan clothing is ethically produced, meaning that workers are treated fairly and paid fair wages with good working conditions in place. 

Many non-vegan fashion brands have been accused of using unfair labor practices, including the use of child labor, forced labor, low pay and poor working conditions. 

The production of vegan fashion can be traced back to ensure that this doesn’t happen to people making your clothes!

Vegan fashion is environmentally friendly! Even if you don’t care about helping animals or supporting human rights as much as I do (it’s okay if you don’t), consider how much better it would be for the environment if everyone switched over to eating more plant based foods? 

Also since most non-vegan fabrics are made from synthetic materials like polyester which require a huge amount of energy during production processes such as spinning out cotton fibers into thread then weaving threads together into fabric shapes before being dyed different colors etc., so switching over from wearing cotton garments which require less water than synthetics would be another huge benefit for our planet!

15. Save Money by Buying Vegan Products

Some people may think that vegan clothing is more expensive than non-vegan clothing, and this can be true. However, there are many non-vegan clothes that are even more expensive! 

The reason for this is because some vegan clothing companies have to work harder to produce the same product as their non-vegan counterparts. 

To create a vegan shoe or top, for example, a fabric must first be chosen; then an ethical manufacturer must be found; and then these materials need to be sourced locally so that they can be handcrafted by local artisans. All of these steps require extra time and effort on behalf of the designer or company owner.

However, if you’re looking for luxury items such as designer shoes or handbags then there are plenty available at affordable prices (for example: our own brand ‘VEGANESSE’). Most people don’t care about how much money they spend on clothing anyway because what matters most is comfort!

Vegan ProductDescriptionPrice
Beyond MeatPlant-based burger patty$6.99 for pack of 2
Ripple MilkPlant-based milk$3.99 for 48 fl. oz
TofurkyVegan deli meat alternative$4.99 for 5.5 oz
Earth BalanceVegan buttery spread$3.99 for 15 oz
SpectrumVegan mayonnaise alternative$4.99 for 16 oz
GardeinPlant-based protein source$4.99 for 10-13.7 oz

By choosing these and other similar cost-saving vegan products, individuals can save money while still enjoying tasty and nutritious plant-based options.


We hope these surprising benefits of vegan clothing have inspired you to make the switch. If you’re already a vegan, then we know you’ll be proud of what your choices are doing for the world. 

If not, maybe this article has given you some new insights into why it might be worth it to give up animal products in favor of plant-based clothing options.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for learning about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle:

The Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle: This article discusses the environmental, health, and ethical benefits of veganism.

Vegan Fashion – What Is It and Is It Eco-Friendly?: This article explores the concept of vegan fashion and its environmental impact.

21 Benefits of Being Vegan: Why More People Are Choosing a Plant-Based Lifestyle: This article lists 21 different benefits of a vegan diet, ranging from health benefits to animal welfare.


Here are some frequently asked questions about veganism:

What is veganism?

Veganism is a lifestyle that excludes the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose. It involves a plant-based diet and avoiding any products made from animals or tested on animals.

Is a vegan diet healthy?

Yes, a well-planned vegan diet can be healthy and provide all the necessary nutrients. However, it’s important to ensure sufficient intake of protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12.

What are the environmental benefits of veganism?

The environmental benefits of veganism include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water and other resources, and reducing deforestation and habitat destruction.

Can you get enough protein on a vegan diet?

Yes, plants can provide all the necessary protein for a healthy diet. Good sources of plant-based protein include beans, lentils, tofu, nuts, and seeds.

Is veganism expensive?

Veganism can be affordable if you focus on whole foods and minimize processed and packaged foods. Plant-based protein sources like beans and lentils are typically cheaper than meat or dairy products.