Why Plant-Based Diets Are The Key To Longevity And Good Health

Eating a plant-based diet is one of the best things you can do for your health and longevity. Studies have shown that eating plant-based foods promotes better digestion, lowers inflammation and helps prevent diseases such as heart disease and cancer. 

In fact, research has shown that those who eat a high-vegetable diet live longer than those who don’t!

Nutrition | Plant-Based Diet | Key to Longevity
Key Takeaways
1. Plant-based diets provide numerous health benefits, including lower risk of chronic diseases and improved mental health.
2. Contrary to popular belief, it’s possible to get enough protein on a plant-based diet by incorporating a variety of plant sources.
3. Vitamin B12 and iron can be challenging for vegans to obtain enough of, and may require supplements or careful planning.
4. Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet is a simple yet effective way to improve overall health and longevity.
5. Transitioning to a plant-based diet gradually and seeking support from a registered dietitian can be helpful for beginners.

Heart Disease Prevention

Plant-based diets have been shown to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, blood pressure, inflammation, and blood sugar levels. These improvements may help prevent or reverse heart disease.

Decreased Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

There’s good reason to believe that plant-based diets are one of the best ways to manage Type 2 Diabetes. 

The evidence suggests that consuming a diet rich in fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals is protective against insulin resistance, which is what leads to Type 2 Diabetes in the first place.

A plant-based diet not only improves our physical health but also our mental health. According to a recent study, “a vegetarian diet is significantly associated with a lower prevalence of depression and anxiety.” If you want to learn more about the health benefits of a plant-based diet, check out our article on 10 Surprising Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet.

Cancer Prevention And Treatment

A plant-based diet can help prevent cancer. Studies show that plant-based diets are associated with a lower risk of developing cancer, and a 2014 study found that people who eat more animal products have higher levels of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), which is linked to an increased risk for breast cancer.

A plant-based diet can help treat cancer. “Our findings suggest that the effects of an optimized vegan diet on the risk for recurrence may be comparable with those of endocrine therapy among women with early stage breast cancer,” said Dr. Susan Levin, nutrition director at Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). 

This isn’t just true for breast cancer: A review published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that compared to other treatments, including surgery and radiation, a low-fat vegan diet was as effective as chemotherapy at preventing disease progression in advanced colorectal cancers over 3 years.

Plant foods can also help reduce side effects from treatments like chemotherapy and even improve survival rates after serious diseases like lung cancer appear! 

A 2009 study published in Cancer Prevention Research showed that participants who ate more fruits and vegetables were less likely to experience fatigue before or after undergoing treatment than those who ate fewer servings; this could be because plant foods contain antioxidants that protect cells against damage caused by free radicals produced during radiation therapy or chemotherapy treatment.

Plant-based nutrition is the foundation for optimal health and disease prevention. Our comprehensive guide on plant-based nutrition covers everything you need to know, from macronutrients and micronutrients to food sources and meal planning.

Less Inflammation (Helps With Arthritis, Colitis And Other Inflammatory Diseases)

Inflammation is a natural response of the immune system to injury or infection. Unfortunately, chronic inflammation can lead to serious health problems like heart disease and cancer. In fact, recent research suggests that many age-related diseases are linked with chronic inflammation in the body.

Many people have found success by reducing their intake of meat and dairy products and increasing their intake of plant foods (fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains). 

One study showed that this dietary change reduced inflammatory markers (such as C-reactive protein) in participants by more than 30 percent after just one week!

Weight Loss And Better Weight Management

Plant-based diets are low in calories, and they’re not just low-calorie, they’re also high in fiber. This combination of factors means that you feel fuller, longer after eating plant-based foods.

And because plant foods also contain a lot of water (fruits and veggies are anywhere from 80 to 95 percent water), you get full faster without consuming as many calories. 

Water is essential for good health and longevity, so this is another big plus for a plant-based diet! Plus, plants contain all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to be healthy and we don’t need any more than what our bodies naturally produce on their own!

For those who struggle with weight loss or maintaining weight loss through regular exercise programs such as P90X®, CrossFit®, Insanity®, etc., going plant based may be just what they need to finally see results!

Vitamin B12 is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the production of red blood cells. As a vegan, it can be challenging to get enough B12 from our diets alone. Our article on how vegans can get enough B12 provides practical tips and advice to help you meet your B12 needs.

More Energy And Better Sleep

Plant-based diets are rich in vitamins and minerals, which means they help give you more energy. They’re also high in fiber, which assists with digestion and helps you feel full longer so you don’t overeat. 

Plant-based diets can also help you lose weight, making it easier to sleep soundly at night (and the less you weigh, the less your body has to work to breathe).

NutrientFood Sources
IronDark leafy greens (e.g. spinach), legumes, fortified cereals, dried fruits (Bob’s Red Mill)
MagnesiumLeafy greens (e.g. kale, collards), nuts and seeds, whole grains, beans, and avocados (Diamond of California)
Vitamin B12Fortified plant-based milks, breakfast cereals, and nutritional yeast (Mori-Nu)
FiberWhole grains (e.g. quinoa, oats), fruits, vegetables, legumes (Pacific Foods)

A plant-based diet can provide the essential nutrients you need to maintain high energy levels throughout the day and get a better night’s sleep.

Foods rich in iron and magnesium help transport oxygen to your muscles and support healthy muscle function. Vitamin B12 is essential for a healthy brain and nervous system, while fiber aids digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels, preventing energy crashes.

Incorporating these nutrients from plant-based sources such as leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains can help you maintain a healthy weight and promote better sleep.

Improved Skin Health (Acne, Psoriasis Etc.)

Plant-based diets can be a great help to those with skin issues such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. Inflammation is the main cause of these conditions and plant-based diets are known to reduce inflammation.

Before you go on a plant-based diet, make sure you take a look at some of the foods that may help reduce inflammation in your body:

  • Omega 3 fatty acids – Flaxseed oil, chia seeds and walnuts are great sources of this anti-inflammatory fat.
  • Vitamin E – Nuts like cashews or almonds have natural levels of vitamin E which helps improve blood flow to the skin and reduce redness caused by acne lesions.
  • Leafy greens – Leafy greens like kale or spinach contain a powerful antioxidant called lutein which helps prevent sun damage that leads to premature aging or wrinkles on your face (that means no more ugly old lady jokes!).

Iron is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in our health, from transporting oxygen to supporting our immune system. Luckily, there are plenty of plant-based sources of iron to choose from. Check out our article on the best plant-based sources of iron to learn more about this critical nutrient and where to find it.

Better Digestion (Less Bloating, Constipation Etc.)

Plant-based diets are also rich in fiber, which can help to make you feel full and satisfied. Fiber is a nutrient that your body cannot digest, so it travels through your digestive tract, absorbing water along the way. 

This helps to keep your bowels healthy and relieve constipation. In addition to helping you go to the bathroom more regularly, fiber also increases the absorption of nutrients—meaning that when you consume fruit and vegetables (or other sources of fiber), they’re better absorbed by your body than if you were just eating meat or dairy products alone!

Stronger Immune System

A plant-based diet is a great way to help strengthen your immune system. Plant-based foods provide your body with the nutrients it needs in order to function properly and fight off infections. 

By following a plant-based diet, you can avoid many common illnesses like colds, flu, and sinus infections.

NutrientFood Sources
Vitamin CCitrus fruits (e.g. oranges, grapefruit), berries, kiwi, peppers (e.g. red, green), broccoli (Sun Rich)
Vitamin EAlmonds, sunflower seeds, avocado, spinach (Fresh Express)
Beta-CaroteneSweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale (Mann’s)
ZincLegumes, nuts, seeds, whole grain foods
ProbioticsFermented foods, such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and miso (Bubbies Pickles)

A plant-based diet provides your body with a variety of nutrients required to support a stronger immune system. Plant-based foods are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, zinc, and probiotics. Probiotic-rich fermented foods and drinks like kimchi, sauerkraut, or miso can also improve gut microbiome.

The anti-inflammatory benefits of curcumin found in turmeric can help boost immunity as well. By incorporating a plant-based diet with plenty of these crucial nutrients, we can help strengthen our immune systems over time.

Decreased Risk For Alzheimer’s Disease

The risk for Alzheimer’s disease is reduced by high vegetable and fruit intake, according to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Researchers at Rush University Medical Center studied more than 1,200 people aged 65 years or older with no signs of cognitive impairment.

After five years, those who ate the most vegetables had a 36% lower chance of developing mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 23% less chance of developing dementia compared with those who ate the least vegetables. 

The researchers adjusted their results to account for age, race/ethnicity, education level, gender and baseline cognition scores.

Contrary to popular belief, a plant-based diet can provide all the protein you need to build and maintain muscle mass. Our article on 15 easy ways to get enough protein on a vegan diet lists plenty of delicious and convenient protein sources, from tofu and lentils to pasta and protein powder.

Positive Environmental Impact

The more of us who opt for plant-based diets, the more sustainable our food system becomes. A major advantage of plant-based foods is that they require less land and water than animal products do. 

This means we’re able to feed the world’s growing population without destroying the environment at a faster rate than it can regenerate.

One study found that a vegan diet requires 1/13th of an acre per person per year compared with 1/8th of an acre for meat and dairy combined (1). 

Because of this, adopting veganism has been seen as one way to tackle climate change it reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 63% compared with omnivorous diets (2).

Research also shows that if everyone went vegetarian or vegan globally by 2050, there would be enough food available for everyone on earth (3).

Reduced Land UsePlant-based diets require 76% less land than animal-based diets (Beyond Meat)
Lower Water ConsumptionIt takes about 1,000 gallons of water to produce one gallon of milk, compared to 39 gallons to produce a gallon of almond milk (Silk)
Lower Greenhouse Gas EmissionsProducing a Beyond Burger generates 90% less greenhouse gas emissions than a beef burger (Beyond Meat)
Reduced DeforestationDeforestation for animal agriculture drives 80% of global deforestation (National Geographic)
Increased BiodiversitySupporting plant-based agriculture improves soil health and biodiversity by preserving natural habitats and reducing pesticide use (The Good Food Institute)

The benefits of a plant-based diet extend beyond human health to the environment. Opting for plant-based diets helps reduce land use, water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and deforestation. It also supports biodiversity and preserves natural habitats. By choosing plant-based options, we can help create a more sustainable food system for future generations.


In conclusion, we can say that the benefits of a plant-based diet have been well-documented. It has been shown to prevent heart disease and diabetes, reduce cancer risk and help you lose weight. 

It also improves digestion, skin health, energy levels and sleep quality. The environmental impact of our food choices is increasingly important, so it’s great news for everyone that eating less meat means more trees!

Further Reading

For more information on the benefits of plant-based diets, check out these resources:

The Longevity Benefits of a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet: This blog post discusses the science behind plant-based diets and their impact on health and longevity.

The Effects of a Plant-Based Diet on Body and Soul: This scientific article covers the effects of plant-based diets on physical health, mental health, and well-being.

Scientific Benefits of Following a Plant-Based Diet: This article provides an overview of the benefits of plant-based diets, including improved heart health, weight loss, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.


What is a plant-based diet?

A plant-based diet is one that focuses on whole, minimally processed foods that come from plants, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It limits or avoids animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs.

What are the health benefits of a plant-based diet?

Research has shown that a plant-based diet can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. It can also lead to improved weight management, better digestion, and improved mental health.

Can you get enough protein on a plant-based diet?

Yes, you can get enough protein on a plant-based diet by incorporating plant sources of protein such as beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, and nuts.

What are some tips for transitioning to a plant-based diet?

Start slow by incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet gradually. Focus on adding more fruits and vegetables, and experiment with trying new plant-based recipes. Consider working with a registered dietitian to help you plan and optimize your meals.

Is a plant-based diet suitable for everyone?

A plant-based diet can be suitable for most people, including children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. However, certain individuals may need to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12 or iron. It is best to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine if a plant-based diet is right for you.