15 Reasons Why You Should Travel As A Vegan

Veganism is the new trend. More people are becoming vegan and more people are traveling as vegans. Traveling as a vegan is easier than you might think, especially if you plan ahead of time. 

Here are 15 reasons why anyone should travel as a vegan:

101 Reasons to Go Vegan (Best Presentation)
– Vegan travel offers a multitude of benefits, including discovering new foods, experiencing different cultures, and supporting ethical and environmental choices.
– Adopting a vegan lifestyle can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and help save the planet.
– Vegan travel is becoming more accessible every year, and there are now many destinations that cater to vegan travelers.
– Finding vegan food while traveling can be challenging, but there are several resources available to help you find vegan-friendly restaurants and businesses.
– There are many resources available for those interested in learning more about vegan travel and plant-based living, including online communities, blogs, podcasts, and books.

You’ll Try New Food

You’ll Try New Food

On your first day in a new city, the first thing you should do is find a local restaurant and order something you’ve never tried before. This will expand your palate and allow you to get off the beaten path with no fear of missing out on anything tasty. 

The more unique dishes you try, the more adventurous of an eater you become and when traveling, it’s always good to have an open mind!

Loved ones who don’t travel often think of foreign foods as “gross” or “weird” because they’re so different from what we’re used to eating back home. 

But I guarantee that once they try some real Thai food or Ethiopian injera bread (it’s made from teff flour), their perception will change completely. 

They’ll see how delicious these dishes really are and how much better they make us feel mentally and physically compared to processed foods from America (which tend toward being pretty unhealthy).

The term “foodprint” refers to the environmental impact of our food choices, and a vegan diet is one of the most effective ways to reduce your foodprint. As our article shows, adopting a plant-based lifestyle can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and help save the planet.

Expand your Palate

Traveling as a vegan is the perfect opportunity to try new foods, recipes and spices. You’ll also be able to explore different fruits and vegetables that you may not have had otherwise. For example, in India I had jackfruit for the first time which was sweet and delicious!

Traveling will also allow you to experience food from other cultures which can be eye-opening when it comes to what is considered “normal” when it comes to food choices. 

For example, in Vietnam I tried Morning Glory for breakfast which consisted of fried eggplant topped with shredded pork or beef something I would never eat at home due to my own personal beliefs but after trying this meal out of curiosity (and even liking it), I realized that there are many ways in which societies around the world view their diet practices as perfectly normal despite being quite different from my own cultural background

Benefits of Expanding Your Palate Through Vegan Travel

Culinary ExplorationProvides opportunities to explore new foods, recipes, and spices.
Cultural ImmersionAllows for a deeper immersion into new cultures and their cuisines.
Enhanced TasteEnhances the taste and quality of food by providing a wider variety of flavor combinations.
Nutritional VarietyProvides a diverse range of nutrients found in various fruits and vegetables.
Personal GrowthPromotes personal growth and development by challenging your comfort zone.

Note: Vegan travel offers unique opportunities to try new and exciting foods from all around the world. Brands like The Spice House offer a wide range of spices to help recreate authentic, exotic flavors in your home cooking.

Eat Better

When you’re vegan, you’ll likely be eating more fruits and vegetables than your non-vegan friends. This can only be a good thing! Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. 

They’re low in calories and fat (except for avocados). They also contain zero cholesterol or saturated fat   unlike animal products like meat or cheese which have both of those things.

So if you’re looking to lose weight or not gain weight while traveling around Asia or Europe (or wherever), then travel as a vegan!

From Thailand to Spain, finding vegan-friendly food is becoming easier than ever before. Our list of the top vegan-friendly countries to visit provides vegan travelers with ideas and inspiration for their next adventure, while also highlighting the progress being made by animal-friendly restaurants around the world.

Challenge Yourself To Try New Recipes

One of the best things about traveling is that you’re forced to try new things. You learn what food and recipes are popular in different places, and you get inspired to create your own versions at home.

If you’re a vegan, there’s no better way to expand your culinary knowledge than by traveling! When traveling as a vegan, it can be difficult to find restaurants that serve foods that fit your diet. 

But by challenging yourself to try new dishes and ingredients while abroad, you open up so many doors for yourself and maybe even find some new favorites!

You’ll be Healthier

You’ll be healthier. Veganism is a healthy lifestyle, as it allows you to eat more fruits and vegetables. This means that you can get more vitamins, minerals and fiber in your diet by eating plant-based foods that are rich in antioxidants. If you are looking for weight loss, this will help because of the lower calorie count of vegan food compared to non-vegan foods.

You can eat more whole grains. Many people who have switched to veganism say they feel better after they make the switch because they are no longer eating processed foods or junk food as much anymore—instead substituting them with whole grains like brown rice or quinoa!

You won’t miss out on anything delicious: Most people think vegans live off breads, salads and soups but there are so many other yummy things to eat like chocolate cake (with coconut milk), cookies (without eggs) ice cream (made from coconut milk), pizza (without cheese).

Benefits of Being Healthier on a Vegan Diet

Nutritional ValueProvides a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
AntioxidantsPromotes a diet rich in antioxidants, reducing the risk of chronic illnesses.
Weight LossHelps with weight loss and weight management because of the lower calorie count in vegan foods.
Reduced Risk of Chronic DiseasesDecreases the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses.
Enhanced DigestionImproves digestion, reduces inflammation, and balances gut bacteria.

Note: Eating a vegan diet can improve your overall health and well-being. Brands like Daily Harvest and Purple Carrot provide healthy, plant-based meal delivery options, making it easier to maintain a balanced vegan diet.

A Greater Chance of Traveling Longer

You are more likely to be a vegan if you travel long-term.

This may not seem like a big deal, but it is! Vegans often love being outdoors and exploring new places. They also tend to live healthier lifestyles which means that their bodies can handle the stress of traveling for longer periods of time. Not only does this mean that vegans will enjoy traveling more than most people do, but it also means that they will have an easier time doing so as well!

Dining out as a vegan can sometimes feel like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Our ultimate guide to dining out as a vegan provides practical tips, tricks, and strategies for navigating restaurant menus, ordering meals, and ensuring that your vegan lifestyle is respected.

You’ll Learn New Languages

As veganism becomes more popular, so does the need for vegans to travel and eat in countries where they don’t speak the local language. This means that you will be forced to learn how to say things like “I don’t eat meat” or “Do you have any vegan food?” in whatever language is being spoken around you. 

You may even find yourself pronouncing these words incorrectly (e.g., saying “meat” instead of “meecy”) which can lead to some funny situations!

You’ll learn a new culture: As we mentioned above, travel gives us an opportunity to explore other cultures through food! So if it’s not just about learning new phrases but also tasting new foods then learning how those dishes are prepared will be even more rewarding when you’re done eating them too!

Meet New People

Traveling as a vegan will introduce you to other vegans and the places they call home. It’s a great way to meet like-minded people and discuss the best places to try out vegan food. 

You can also learn about their culture and lifestyle, which will help you plan your own vacation in that part of the world.

Want to explore some of the world’s most exotic vegan destinations? Check out our 10 surprising vegan travel destinations you need to visit for inspiration and motivation. Whether you’re craving a tropical paradise or an urban metropolis, our list has something for everyone.

Practice Patience and Tolerance

There will be times when you are faced with challenges. You may have to deal with an impatient person, or someone who wants to argue about your veganism or the fact that you don’t eat meat. 

This can be frustrating and intimidating, but you need to remain calm, tolerant and patient. The best way to do this is by practicing meditation, yoga and tai chi. 

These practices will help you learn how to manage your emotions in all situations so that you can act appropriately instead of becoming angry or frustrated when faced with adversity.

Benefits of Practicing Patience and Tolerance

Emotional IntelligenceHelps you develop self-awareness, empathy, and self-regulation.
Improved RelationshipsBuilds stronger connections with others and allows for better communication and collaboration.
Conflict ResolutionEnhances conflict resolution skills and reduces the likelihood of aggression or violence.
Stress ReductionHelps to manage stress and anxiety levels, improving overall well-being.
Personal GrowthPromotes personal growth and emotional maturity.

Note: Practicing patience and tolerance can be easier said than done, but it’s an essential component of any vegan traveler’s journey. Brands like Calm and Headspace offer meditation and mindfulness resources, which can help you stay grounded and centered in difficult situations.

Most Popular Foods are Often Vegan

Vegan food has become incredibly popular in recent years, and you can find it almost anywhere. Most restaurants offer at least one or two vegan options on their menus (and many more if a customer asks) and local markets often have a handful of things for sale that are plant-based. 

Even grocery stores are beginning to carry more vegan foods, making it easier than ever to find what you’re looking for without having to seek out specialty stores or online shopping sites.

More Travel For Less Money

Traveling as a vegan is cheaper than traveling as a meat eater. That’s because vegan food is not only more filling and nutritious, but it’s also generally cheaper to buy. 

This is especially true in Europe where you can get three-course meals for the price of one pint at home (and sometimes even less). 

In the U.S., restaurants have a tendency to overcharge for meatless dishes because they assume people will pay extra for them—but that doesn’t need to be the case!

If you want to save even more money while on the road, cook your own food instead of eating out all the time. 

And if you want an even bigger discount? Check out hostels; almost all hostels offer free breakfast or dinner with your stay so you don’t have spend any extra cash on food other than what’s necessary for yourself during travel days between destinations.

Raising children on a vegan diet can be challenging, but it’s also one of the most rewarding and compassionate choices you can make. Our article on 15 simple ways to teach your kids about veganism and animal rights offers practical advice and guidance for parents looking to teach their children about the benefits of plant-based living.

Animals Are Everywhere (Outdoors)

If you think animals are only in zoos, think again. They’re everywhere! In fact, they are in every country, city and town on Earth. 

You will also find them in your backyard if you have one as well as in the forest and mountains around it. And of course there are animals living underwater too!

Never Too Late To Start Traveling And Being Vegan

At this point, you may be wondering what the point of traveling as a vegan is. If you’re not vegan yet, it’s something to think about. And if you are a vegan but haven’t traveled much yet, then this post is for you!

As I’ve said before in other articles on this blog, traveling is one of the best ways to broaden your horizons and learn new things. 

Traveling can also help make one more open-minded and tolerant of different cultures and customs than they might otherwise be without having been exposed to them firsthand through travel experiences. 

This can lead both to better understanding between travelers (as well as people in general), but also more tolerance toward animals too—if not outright vegetarianism or veganism!

HealthReduces risk of heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses.
SustainabilityDecreases carbon footprint and the impact on the environment.
EthicsSupports animal rights and cruelty-free living.
ExplorationDiscovers new foods, cultures, and experiences.
AdventurePuts you out of your comfort zone and promotes personal growth.

Veganism is the New Trend

Veganism is becoming more and more popular. The vegan lifestyle has been around for centuries, but it’s only recently that people have started to recognize its benefits.

A vegan diet is not a fad diet, or a phase that you’ll eventually outgrow. It’s a choice that you make because of your morals and ethics. 

By choosing to live as a vegan, you’re contributing to protecting the environment by using less energy and resources like fuel, water, land etc., which helps reduce global warming by reducing carbon dioxide emissions into our atmosphere. 

As well as protecting animals by not eating them or using any animal products such as leather or wool in their clothing line (also known as wearing “cruelty-free” clothing).


Now you have 15 great reasons to travel as a vegan. It’s never too late to start traveling or being vegan, so jump on the bandwagon! Who knows? 

If you try it and love it, then maybe this article was just what you needed to get started.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to learn more about vegan travel and plant-based living:

5 Reasons Why Vegan Travel is Still Hard in 2020 – The Getaway Co. provides insights into some of the challenges of vegan travel, and offers tips on how to navigate them.

Why It’s a Great Time to Be a Vegan Traveler – Lonely Planet shares why it’s easier than ever to be a vegan traveler, with inspiring examples of the top destinations and best foods to try.

Reasons to Go Vegan – The Humane League discusses the ethical, environmental and health benefits of a vegan lifestyle, and explains how choosing veganism can make a real difference to animals and the environment.


What Are the Main Benefits of Vegan Travel?

Vegan travel has many benefits, including discovering new flavors and cuisines, and having the opportunity to explore new cultures through food. Additionally, traveling vegan can help reduce your carbon footprint, promote animal rights, and support local businesses who specialize in vegan cuisine.

Is it Difficult to Find Vegan Food When Traveling?

While it can be challenging to find vegan food in some destinations, vegan travel is getting easier every year. Many cities around the world now have thriving vegan communities with lots of plant-based options, and some destinations are even catering specifically to vegan travelers.

How Can I Find Vegan Restaurants When Traveling?

There are several ways to find vegan restaurants when traveling. You can use online directories and review platforms like HappyCow and TripAdvisor, or you can ask locals or other travelers for recommendations. Local vegan and animal rights groups are also a great resource for finding vegan-friendly restaurants and businesses in your destination.

Can I Stay at Vegan-Friendly Accommodations?

Yes, there are many vegan-friendly accommodations to choose from when traveling. Some hotels and hostels now offer vegan-friendly menus, while others cater specifically to vegan travelers. Options range from vegan bed and breakfasts to eco-friendly hotels and luxury resorts.

How Can I Learn More About Vegan Travel and Plant-Based Living?

There are many resources available for those interested in learning more about vegan travel and plant-based living. Online communities like Reddit’s vegan travel forum and Facebook groups like Vegan Travel Club offer tips and advice from experienced vegan travelers. There are also several blogs, podcasts, and books available on the topic, covering everything from the best vegan destinations to how to pack for a vegan trip.