15 Simple Ways To Teach Your Kids About Veganism And Animal Rights

You love animals, and you want your kids to share your passion. But how do you introduce them to veganism as a lifestyle choice? You can’t exactly hand your kid a copy of The Sexual Politics of Meat and tell them to read it. 

But there are plenty of ways that parents can teach their children about being vegan without making it seem like a chore or an inconvenience. 

In fact, we think that introducing veganism at home is one of the best ways to show kids what compassion looks like in practice.

How to Teach & Raise Vegan Kids
Teaching kids about veganism and animal rights can instill values such as empathy, kindness, and respect for all living beings.
A well-planned vegan diet can provide all the necessary nutrients for a child’s growth and development with proper attention and consultation with a healthcare professional or registered dietician.
Incorporating vegan-friendly snacks and meals can be a delicious and healthy way to introduce veganism to children.
When discussing veganism with kids, it’s important to use a positive and informative approach and focus on the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.
Helping vegan children deal with social challenges requires providing them with resources and support as well as teaching them to be confident in their beliefs and demonstrating compassion towards others.

Share a Book

A great way to teach your kids about veganism is by reading a book together. Reading books is something that you can do with your kids in the morning, at night and even when they go to sleep!

Some books are especially good for teaching young children about animal rights because they are easy to understand. Some examples include:

  • The Lorax – Dr. Seuss’s story of the Once-ler and his destruction of trees as he tries to find “a hair for his Bald-headed Beagle,” Audrey 2.
  • Charlotte’s Web – E.B White’s classic tale about a pig who saves Wilbur from slaughter and later dies herself so that her parts can be used as food for humans (the “S” on Wilbur means “slaughter”).

Teaching kids compassion starts at home and introducing them to the vegan lifestyle can be a great way to do so. Take a look at The Ultimate Guide to Vegan Parenting: How to Raise Compassionate Kids to learn more about how veganism can instill values of empathy, kindness and respect for all life.

Explain Your Reasons

Explain your reasons. If you’re new to veganism, it can be helpful for kids to understand why you chose this lifestyle and how it affects your life.

Explain how it affects other people’s lives. Kids will want to know who else is vegan and which animals are being affected by animal agriculture, so explain those facts as well—and then share some information about how eating plant-based foods helps protect the environment and decrease our carbon footprint over time.

Let them know that we need their help if we want more people like us out there! Show them images of groups of people standing together with signs stating that they support animal rights or human rights (or both).

Reason for Choosing VeganismKey Benefits
Ethical concerns surrounding animal welfareTeaches children to respect all living beings and encourages empathy and kindness towards animals.
Environmental concernsInstills values of sustainability and respect for the planet and demonstrates the importance of reducing our carbon footprint.
Health benefitsPromotes healthy eating habits and raises awareness of the health benefits associated with a plant-based diet.
Religious or spiritual beliefsDemonstrates the importance of respecting diverse beliefs and traditions and provides insight into how individual values shape personal choices.
Personal preferencesEncourages children to make independent choices and demonstrates that it’s acceptable to have different preferences regarding food and lifestyle.

Explaining your reasons for choosing veganism can help children understand the values and beliefs that shape personal choices.

When discussing veganism with children, it’s important to use clear and age-appropriate language to explain how this lifestyle aligns with your values, whether it’s ethical concerns towards animal welfare, environmental concerns, health benefits, religious or spiritual beliefs, or personal preferences. In doing so, children can learn to respect diverse beliefs and develop their own values and beliefs.

Involve Them In Vegan Food Shopping

  • Explain why you are vegan.
  • Explain what veganism is.
  • Explain what vegan food is and why you shop for it.

Take your kids with you to the grocery store and let them see how a family of vegans shops, both online and in person. Show them that being a vegan doesn’t mean sacrificing great taste or convenience! 

This may be an opportunity to explain why this is important to you as well, but don’t overwhelm your little ones with too much information—you don’t want them tuning out halfway through!

Invite Vegan Friends Over For Dinner

Inviting friends over is a great way to show your kids that you’re not the only vegan in the world. You can also ask them to bring a vegan dish for dinner, which will help your kids see the wide variety of foods vegans eat.

 If you don’t have enough food for everyone, you can always order in! Have plenty of drinks and snacks on hand as well. It’s important not to let anyone go hungry!

Raising your kids on a vegan diet may seem daunting, but it can have wonderful benefits for their health and development. Check out 10 Surprising Benefits of Raising Your Kids on a Vegan Diet to explore how veganism can provide your children with essential vitamins and nutrients.

Watch Animal Protection Movies and Documentaries

The best way to teach your kids about veganism and animal rights is by simply watching movies. The most important movie to watch is Earthlings. It’s a documentary film that shows the true nature of animal agriculture, and it’s shocking how many people have never seen it. 

I’ve watched it with my friends, family, coworkers…pretty much everyone I can think of! Watch Earthlings together as soon as possible it will help you understand why veganism is so important and give you new insight into the lives of animals who are abused on farms every day.

Another great movie for teaching kids about veganism is Okja it shows that food choices are just one part of being an ethical consumer; caring about what happens before products reach our stores is also crucial to making sure that animals aren’t mistreated for profit or used as products themselves (like leather).

My third favorite movie for children (and adults) learning about animal rights is The Cove—this incredible documentary follows activists fighting against dolphin slaughter in Japan, revealing how much cruelty goes on behind closed doors even in seemingly ‘humane’ industries like seafood fishing operations or zoos where dolphins are captured from their families before being sold off as entertainment items at theme parks around the world (including SeaWorld).

Movie/DocumentaryKey Benefits
EarthlingsProvides insight into animal agriculture and the inhumane treatment of animals, and raises awareness about speciesism and its impact on the planet.
CowspiracyDemonstrates the environmental impact of animal agriculture and promotes the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle for the planet and human health.
Forks Over KnivesExplores the relationship between diet and chronic diseases, promoting the benefits of a plant-based diet for human health.
What the HealthInvestigates the link between diet and disease, exposing the health risks associated with consuming animal products.
BlackfishHighlights the mistreatment of orcas in captivity and raises awareness about the ethical concerns surrounding captive marine animals.

Watching movies and documentaries is an effective and informative way to teach children about veganism, animal rights, and environmental issues. Earthlings offers insight into animal agriculture and raises awareness about speciesism, Cowspiracy highlights the environmental impact of animal agriculture and Forks Over Knives and What the Health promote the benefits of a plant-based diet for human health.

Lastly, Blackfish highlights the mistreatment of orcas in captivity and raises awareness about the ethical concerns surrounding captive marine animals.

Teach Them Compassion

Teaching your children compassion towards animals is a powerful way to introduce them to veganism. 

We all know how much it hurts when someone we care about is treated badly, so teaching your kids to be kind and gentle to others will encourage them to treat animals with respect too. A compassionate outlook on life can help prevent bullying and violence later in life.

It also helps if you give them some basic facts about the lives of farmed animals: that they have families who love them just like humans do, that they are not food but living creatures like us, and that they deserve better than the cruelty inherent in animal farming industries such as factory farming or slaughterhouses.

When it comes to vegan-friendly snacks for kids, the options are endless and delicious. Whether you’re looking for sweet or savory treats, take a look at The Top 10 Vegan-Friendly Snacks for Kids for some tasty and healthy ideas.

Take Them To a Shelter for Dogs or Cats

If you want to teach your kids about how we can all help animals, take them to a shelter. This will help them understand that there are many animals who need our help and they can make a difference by adopting one of these amazing beings. 

The next time you head over to the animal shelter, try asking your child what they think makes a good pet. 

You may be surprised at the things they say! I personally think cats are awesome but my husband thinks dogs are better because they’re more loyal than cats (though I disagree).

Be a Role Model Yourself

One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to set an example for your kids. If you want them to be vegan, then be vegan yourself! 

You may not be able to teach them every aspect of being vegan from scratch or in depth, but by showing them that it’s possible and providing support when they need it (like at dinner time), you’ll help them feel more comfortable with their choices.

When talking about animal rights with your child, make sure that you’re explaining why animals deserve protection instead of just telling them what kind of food they should eat or how often they should brush their teeth these aren’t reasons why we should care about animals; these are reasons why we should care about everyone’s rights!

Role Model ActionKey Benefits
Adopt a vegan diet and lifestyle yourselfSets an example for positive behavior and instills the value of leading a compassionate and eco-friendly life.
Cook and serve plant-based meals for the familyEncourages healthy eating habits and introduces children to a wide variety of new and delicious foods.
Shop for vegan-friendly optionsTeaches children to read and understand food labels and introduces them to various vegan-friendly brands.
Make eco-friendly choicesDemonstrates the importance of protecting the environment and reducing carbon footprint.
Participate in animal rights activismInvolves children in causes that are important to them and inspires them to make a difference in the world.

Creating a positive example as a role model can have a powerful impact on kids. Adopting a vegan lifestyle yourself, cooking and serving vegan meals for the family, shopping for vegan-friendly options, making eco-friendly choices and participating in animal rights activism can all help children understand the importance of compassion, sustainability, animal welfare and environmental protection.

Talk About Animal Sentience

First, let’s talk about the science behind animal sentience. There is a big difference between plants and animals plants do not have a nervous system and therefore can’t feel pain or experience pleasure. 

Animals, on the other hand, are sentient beings that have the same capacity to feel pain, pleasure, happiness and sadness as humans do. 

Sentience is scientific fact; it’s not something that we need to prove because it has already been proven by countless researchers over decades of time.

Busy weeknights can make it difficult to find time for cooking, but creating delicious vegan meals doesn’t have to be complicated. Take a look at Easy Vegan Recipes for Busy Weeknights for some quick and easy meal ideas that are both nutritious and delicious.

Take Them to a Farm Sanctuary

Take them to a farm sanctuary. A farm sanctuary is a place where rescued animals are taken in and cared for until they can be placed in permanent homes or released into the wild. 

Often, these sanctuaries are run by volunteers who give their time and energy to help these animals in need and they always need more hands! 

If you have one nearby, take your kids there so they can see firsthand how animals that have been abused or mistreated are treated in a compassionate way that lets them live out their lives with dignity.

Tell them about the animals there: The people at the sanctuary will explain all about what kind of animals live there, what they like to eat and do when they’re not working on chores (if they’re housebroken), how long they’ve been at this particular shelter (or if this is their first home). 

You might want to bring some snacks or water bottles just in case someone gets hungry no matter how many times an animal has been rescued before now, he or she still deserves all sorts of treats!

Explain why it’s important: Not only does visiting a farm sanctuary help support organizations dedicated to helping animals escape from terrible living conditions around the world; but it also teaches children values like compassion toward others who may be different from themselves.

Protein is an essential part of any diet and getting enough on a vegan diet can sometimes be a concern. However, there are many plant-based protein sources available that are easy to incorporate into your meals. Check out 15 Easy Ways to Get Enough Protein on a Vegan Diet to discover some tasty and easy ways to boost your protein intake on a vegan diet.


If you’re ready to help your kids be vegans, then start by taking them to a farm sanctuary or visiting one with them. 

The animals there will show your child that they’re not alone in the world and this is why we should all try our best to protect them.

Further Reading

How to Talk to Kids About Veganism: A comprehensive guide on how to discuss veganism and animal rights with children in an age-appropriate and respectful way.

How to Talk to Kids About Veganism: In this video, Bite Size Vegan shares helpful tips and advice on how parents can talk to their kids about veganism and why it’s important to do so.

How to Talk to Kids About Veganism: Mom the Muse provides insight on how to approach discussions about veganism with kids in a positive and informative manner.


What is veganism?

Veganism is a way of life that seeks to eliminate the exploitation of animals as much as possible. This includes not consuming animal products, such as meat, dairy, and eggs, and abstaining from using any animal-derived products, such as leather or cosmetics tested on animals.

Why should we talk to kids about veganism?

Children are naturally curious and compassionate beings, and educating them about veganism and animal rights can help instill values such as empathy, kindness, and respect for all living beings.

How can I talk to my kids about veganism without scaring them?

When discussing veganism with kids, it’s important to use a positive and informative approach. Focus on the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle, such as promoting health and well-being, protecting the environment, and respecting all living beings.

Will a vegan diet provide enough nutrients for my child’s growth and development?

With proper planning and attention, a well-rounded vegan diet can provide all the necessary nutrients for your child’s growth and development. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietician to ensure that your child’s nutrient needs are being met.

How can I help my child deal with social challenges as a vegan?

Social situations can be challenging for vegan children, but teaching them to be confident in their beliefs and providing them with resources and support can be helpful. Encourage your child to speak up about their veganism respectfully and lead by example by demonstrating compassion and understanding towards others.