The Ultimate Guide To Vegan Shoe Shopping: How To Find Ethical And Stylish Footwear

Shoes are a curious thing. We all wear them, but few of us think about them too deeply. And yet shoes are such an important part of any wardrobe! 

They can make or break an outfit, and they’re often one of the most expensive items in our closets. But while buying new shoes can be exciting, it’s also important not to forget how wasteful this habit can be especially if your goal is to live more sustainably and ethically. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of options for ethical and stylish footwear on the market these days and I’m here to tell you how to find them!

Key Takeaways
– Shopping for vegan shoes means avoiding materials such as leather, suede, wool, and silk.
– Fortunately, there are plenty of stylish and ethical alternatives available, made from materials such as canvas, microfiber, and polyester.
– Many vegan shoe brands prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility in addition to veganism.
– Proper care of vegan shoes can help extend their lifespan, making them a more eco-friendly option in the long-run.
– Adopting a vegan shoe-shopping practice is a small but impactful step towards building a more ethical and eco-friendly fashion industry.

Before You Shop For Yourself, Do Some Research

Before you go shopping for yourself, do some research. Whether you’re a vegan or not, it can be hard to find shoes that are stylish and ethically made. 

That’s because most shoes contain animal products, and many companies claim to be “vegan” without actually offering ethics as part of their core values.

If you want your footwear choices to align with your beliefs, do some digging into the materials used in the shoes you want to buy (leather? suede? feathers?), the companies behind those materials (do they have an animal welfare policy?), and how ethical a company has proven itself to be in manufacturing its products (where are they made?).

A little extra legwork on this front could mean huge savings down the line when it comes time for new pairs of kicks!

Plant-based diets have already received a tremendous amount of attention from both the media and individuals, and for good reason. As our article on why veganism is the future of food outlines, veganism is a powerful tool not just for our personal health, but also for the environment and our economy.

Buy Secondhand To Reduce Your Footprint

Buying secondhand is one of the most efficient ways to reduce your footprint. Not only does it support local businesses and reduce waste, but it also reduces carbon emissions from transportation. 

If you’re worried about buying shoes that aren’t vegan-friendly or made with recycled materials, don’t be! 

The best place to start when finding ethical footwear is in your own closet—you already have so many pairs that could be re-purposed!

Once you’ve found some well-fitting vegan shoes that match your style and lifestyle, there’s no need to let them sit around collecting dust while they wait patiently for their new owner to come along someday soon…

When You’re Ready To Make A Purchase, Look For Eco-Friendly Materials

When you’re ready to make a purchase, look for eco-friendly materials. Look for materials that are biodegradable, such as polyester and nylon. These types of fabrics will decompose in soil over time, so they’re better for the environment than other types of clothing material.

Look for labels bearing the biodegradable symbol (B5) or “bioplastic.” This indicates that these products can be recycled into new products after being worn out. 

The B5 label is often found on shoes made from synthetic materials like polyurethane or plastic; leather sneakers with this label may actually be made from recycled leather!

You should also look out for labels like “made without animal testing” or “vegan-friendly.” These adornments indicate that no animals were harmed during their creation—which means your feet won’t have died so someone could wear them before yours did!

Following a plant-based lifestyle isn’t always easy, especially when society seems to revolve around meat-heavy dishes and traditional food cultures. Our guide on how to navigate social situations as a vegan provides helpful tips on everything from being prepared for family dinners to finding vegan-friendly restaurants with delicious food.

Consider Vegan Leather Alternatives

Vegan leather is an alternative option to the real stuff, and it can be found in a variety of forms. For instance, polyurethane is a vegan leather material that’s very durable, with a texture that’s similar to real leather. It’s also cruelty free, but will cost more than real leather because of all the extra steps needed to make it.

Always Check The Glue

Considering how many shoes are glued together, it’s worth making sure that your vegan-friendly glue is actually vegan-friendly. 

The reason for this is because most glues use animal products or fish ingredients as an adhesive. The most common materials in adhesives include gelatin and bone char, both of which are made from animal byproducts.

Gelatin is usually made from the boiled bones and connective tissues of cows, pigs and horses (and sometimes fish). Bone char comes from charred cow bones that are processed into a fine powder; this stuff can also be used to make sugar, carbon black and gunpowder (the latter two are not part of any shoe). 

Gelatin glue tends to be cheaper than other options since it can be produced using waste products from slaughterhouses–which means there’s less demand for these substances as they become more expensive as demand increases.

IngredientsAvoid glues made from animal-based ingredients such as casein, bone, or hide glues. Instead, look for brands such as EcoGlue, Elmer’s, or Gorilla Glue that use plant or synthetic-based materials.
CertificationsLook for vegan certification logos on the product or website to ensure that the glue has been tested and approved as vegan. PETA’s “Vegan” logo or the Vegan Society’s “Certified Vegan” mark are examples of reputable certifications.
Research BrandsDo some research on the glue brands you are considering, paying attention to their overall reputation and values. Companies like Beacon Adhesives, Infinity Bond, and Aleene’s are known for producing vegan-friendly glues with an emphasis on environmental sustainability.
DIY SolutionsConsider making your own glue from household items such as flour, water, and vinegar. Many DIY recipes exist online that can eliminate concerns around questionable glue ingredients.
Test the GlueIf possible, test the glue before using it on your shoes to make sure it adheres well and dries clear. This can help prevent any negative impacts on your shoes or appearance.

Get To Know Your Favorite Brands

Once you’re familiar with what ethical, vegan shoe brands are out there, it’s time to get digging.

Look at their website or social media and check out their products and materials. Look at the materials they use in their shoes and if they have any recycling initiatives, such as donating leftover production materials to charity organizations. 

It may also be worth checking other websites that list ethical companies like Good On You or Ethical Consumer (this is a UK-based website).

Many people are unaware of the numerous health benefits of a vegan diet. Fortunately, our article on the health benefits of a vegan diet provides scientific insight on why plant-based diets may decrease the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive decline.

Shop Sustainably And Ethically Made Clothing As Well As Shoes

You can find vegan shoes at any price point. If you’re looking for something more affordable, check out thrift stores or outlets. There are plenty of brands that offer trendy and unique styles for less than $60. 

Alternatively, you can always invest in a higher-end pair if you want to treat yourself to something that will last longer and be more comfortable. If you’re feeling crafty, it’s also possible to dye leather shoes with organic dyes sold at most natural health food stores.

A quick Google search will reveal which shoe companies use animal products like leather and wool in their manufacturing process—and which ones don’t!

Also Consider Companies That Have Made A Commitment To Using Sustainable Materials

When shopping for vegan shoes, it’s important to look for companies that are dedicated to using sustainable materials.

This includes leather alternatives such as the following:

Recycled materials, such as recycled PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles. This type of material is often used in sneakers, boots and sandals. 

It’s also a good option if you’re looking to save money on your shoe budget because recycled plastics tend to be less expensive than other types of vegan materials.

Biodegradable or recyclable materials like cornstarch-based plastics tend to be more eco-friendly than synthetic rubbers and can even biodegrade over time under certain conditions!

The fashion industry has a notorious history of being environmentally unfriendly and unethical. Fortunately, vegan fashion has started rising in popularity as an alternative. By choosing to invest in ethical vegan clothing brands, we can contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate future.

Shop From Small Businesses Whenever Possible

Whenever you can, shop from small businesses. Not only do they support the local economy and community, but small businesses tend to be more socially conscious than larger corporations. 

They’re also more likely to choose materials that are sustainably sourced; this includes leather alternatives like vegan leather or recycled plastic.

If you’re shopping online, look for stores with physical locations near you—or at least somewhere in your country! This way, your money stays in the community instead of going overseas (and it’s easier on everyone involved).

Supporting Local EconomiesShopping from small businesses helps to support the local economy, keeping money and jobs within the community.
Building Stronger CommunitiesSmall businesses often contribute to community engagement and development through events and charitable work.
Encouraging Socially Conscious PracticesSmaller businesses tend to place a greater emphasis on ethical and sustainable practices. Brands like TenTree, United by Blue, and People Tree are examples of small businesses with socially conscious values.
Personalized Customer ServiceCompared to larger corporations, small businesses often provide more personalized service and care, creating a more enjoyable shopping experience.
Diversifying Shopping OptionsShopping from small businesses allows for a greater variety of unique items, contributing to a more diverse and interesting marketplace.

There Are Plenty Of Resources Online For Finding Vegan Shoes

You can find a lot of vegan resources online. There are plenty of fashion and shoe blogs that are dedicated to the vegan community, as well as specific stores for finding ethical footwear. 

You can also look for brands that either manufacture their shoes using sustainable practices or advertise themselves as being cruelty-free (which means they’re not tested on animals).

If you want to go even more in depth with your research, there are reviews from vegans who have purchased products from these sites and brands. These reviews can help you figure out which websites and companies provide the best experiences for vegans like yourself.

One of the best parts of being a conscious consumer is investing in clothing that is both fashionable and cruelty-free. Our article on 15 surprising benefits of choosing vegan clothing goes over everything from how vegan clothing production impacts the planet to the potential health benefits of vegan textiles such as bamboo and hemp.

Support Local Retailers That Stock Vegan Footwear And Accessories

Support local businesses, workers and the environment. The majority of vegan shoes are manufactured overseas in countries like China, Vietnam and India. Animals are abused and exploited during these processes. 

If you want to go sustainable, choose a brand that makes their shoes locally as much as possible – this helps keep your money circulating in the local economy instead of being shipped abroad.

When shopping at brick-and-mortar stores, you can also support local charities by donating new or gently used products after you’ve finished with them – click here for some ideas!

Buy Fewer Pairs Of Shoes, And Take Care Of Them So They’ll Last Longer

Buy fewer pairs of shoes. It’s a good idea to limit yourself to one or two pairs that you can wear often, so that you don’t have to run out and buy new ones all the time.

Take care of what you have. If you don’t want your shoes falling apart after just a few months, make sure they’re always clean and well maintained. Washing them regularly helps with this—and it’s actually really easy! 

Just take off the laces and use some kind of cleaner like soap or baking soda mixed with water, then scrub them down until they’re nice and shiny again (you can also brush off any dirt). 

If there are any stains that won’t come out no matter how hard you try, consider using an OxyClean spray instead; it works pretty well on most things that get stained by food!

Use a shoehorn—not only does it help keep your soles from getting worn down prematurely because they’re not rubbing against each other inside the shoe as much anymore when walking around outside all day long but it also makes sure everything fits better than if someone else put them on for me every morning before work.

Invest in Quality ShoesSpend more money upfront on quality, well-made shoes that will last longer. Brands like Timberland, Dr. Martens, and Vans offer durable and long-lasting options.
Rotate Your ShoesAvoid wearing the same pair of shoes every day, as this can cause them to wear out faster. Instead, rotate between a few different pairs each week.
Protect Your ShoesUse a protective spray or wax on your shoes, especially in the winter or in rainy weather. This can help keep your shoes looking new while also extending their lifespan.
Clean and ConditionRegularly clean your shoes with a damp cloth and a mild soap, and apply a conditioner to keep the material supple and prevent cracking.
Store Them ProperlyTo avoid mould or mildew, store shoes in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Use shoe trees to help maintain their shape and structure.
Repair and Re-soleDon’t give up on shoes that have worn-out soles or small holes; instead take them to a cobbler for repair or re-soling. This can extend the life of your shoes and prevent them from ending up in a landfill too soon.


We hope that this guide has been helpful to you in your vegan shoe shopping adventures. It can be tricky, but with a little research and a lot of heart, we think you’ll find what you’re looking for!

Further reading:

For further reading on vegan shoes, here are some additional useful resources:

PETA’s guide to vegan shoes and sneakers: PETA’s comprehensive guide offers useful information on vegan shoe materials and brands, from sneakers to dress shoes.

Ethical Elephant’s guide on how to find vegan shoes: Ethical Elephant’s comprehensive guide outlines tips for identifying vegan shoes, ethical brands to shop from, and reasons why we should choose vegan shoes over leather options.

Good on You’s guide to sustainable vegan shoes: Good on You’s guide not only helps readers identify vegan and sustainable footwear options, but also touches on other key concerns such as fair labor practices and eco-friendly design.


What are some materials to avoid in vegan shoe shopping?

When shopping for vegan shoes, it is important to avoid materials such as leather, suede, wool, and silk. Instead, look for shoes made from synthetic materials such as microfiber, canvas, and polyester.

Can I still find stylish vegan shoes?

Yes, definitely. The vegan shoe market has expanded in recent years, and there are now many stylish and trendy options available without having to sacrifice our ethics.

How can I ensure the shoes I buy are ethically made?

There are a few ways to determine if a pair of shoes has been ethically made. Look for shoes made by brands that prioritize ethical labor practices, such as paying workers a livable wage and providing safe working conditions. Additionally, brands that utilize sustainable materials or take environmentally-friendly practices into account may also be more likely to prioritize ethical production.

Are vegan shoes more environmentally friendly compared to leather shoes?

Yes, vegan shoes are generally more environmentally friendly than traditional leather shoes. The production of leather requires large amounts of water and energy, and generates significant waste and pollution. In contrast, synthetic materials such as microfiber are often created through more resource-efficient and eco-friendly processes.

How can I make my vegan shoes last longer?

To maximize the lifespan of your vegan shoes, it is important to properly care for them. Keep them clean by wiping them down after each use and storing them in a cool, dry place.

For shoes made from synthetic materials, use a cloth with mild soap and water to wipe them down, and avoid using heat to dry them. For shoes made from natural materials such as cotton or cork, you can use a natural wax or oil to add moisture and protect them from the elements.