Why Vegan Parenting Is The Best Choice For Your Family’s Health

Veganism has been around for many years, but it is still a topic of debate among scientists and nutritionists. Some adults choose to go vegan due to health reasons while others are concerned with animal rights. 

In the past decade, there has been an increasing number of people following vegan diets for humanitarian reasons such as environmental sustainability and compassion for animals.

I don’t think anyone would argue that people need to eat far less meat than they currently do in order to have healthier lives. 

A plant-based diet is certainly one way to accomplish this goal! But what about children? Is it safe for them? Can their growing bodies handle the lack of nutrients found in animal products? I believe so!

In fact, studies show that children raised on healthy vegan diets can grow taller than their peers who consume dairy products — and not just by a little bit! Children who eat more vegetables also tend to have higher IQs than those who don’t (you can learn more about this here). 

Plus, kids who consume meat products are at greater risk for developing diabetes later in life — even if they’re only eating small amounts compared with other kids their age (take a look at some research on this here).

Raising A Vegan Child – What Every Parent Needs To Know
Key Takeaways
– A vegan diet can provide numerous health benefits for the whole family.
– Vegan parenting can help teach children about compassion, sustainability, and healthy eating habits.
– Raising kids on a vegan diet requires careful planning and consideration of their nutritional needs.
– Plant-based snacks can be delicious and healthy alternatives to traditional snacks for kids.
– Vegan diets can be safe and beneficial for children when done correctly and with proper guidance.

A Vegan Diet Is Much Healthier

What does this mean for you and your family? A vegan diet is much healthier than a non-vegan diet, which means that:

  • You’ll be eating more fruits and vegetables. This helps to prevent or treat many diseases like heart disease, obesity, cancer and diabetes.
  • You’ll be lowering your risk of developing these illnesses by eating better foods.
  • If you’re trying to lose weight (or maintain a healthy weight), then a vegan diet can make that process easier since it doesn’t contain any cholesterol or saturated fats found in animal products like meat and dairy products.*

The health benefits of a vegan diet are widely recognized and backed by scientific research. If you want to learn more about the science behind these benefits, check out our detailed article on The Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet: The Science Behind It All and discover the amazing ways a vegan diet can improve your health and wellbeing.

You Are Setting A Great Example

It’s important to be a positive role model for your children. They will learn from you, and they may adopt some of your behaviors, so it’s important to always consider their health when making decisions. Veganism can help set a great example for them.

As you know, vegan parents don’t consume or use animal products such as meat, eggs or dairy products. But what you might not know is that this lifestyle also emphasizes eating whole foods like fruits and vegetables instead of processed food items like chips and candy bars that are high in sugar content but low in nutritional value (and which could lead to obesity). 

It also encourages physical activity by getting your kids involved in sports or walking the dog around the neighborhood rather than sitting on their couch with their head buried in a computer game all day long (which could lead to obesity). 

By adopting this healthy lifestyle yourself as an adult who is raising children together with your partner(s), then showing them how easy it can be done when combined with other positive practices such as keeping active through outdoor activities together as a family unit–you’ll soon see how much these actions can impact both yours’ AND theirs’ future well-being!

Teaches Healthy HabitsVeganism encourages kids to set healthier dietary habits, pass on nutritious food options, and make better food choices.
Encourages EmpathyChildren who are raised on a vegan diet are more likely to develop a sense of compassion for animals, the environment, and people.
Supports Positive Body ImagePlant-based diets emphasize healthy and natural foods that can benefit skin, hair, and overall wellbeing.
Promotes Active ParticipationVegan parenting encourages kids to actively participate in ethics and sustainability discussions, learn from reading labels, and engage in eco-friendly habits.
Builds Family TraditionsVegan dietary traditions promote exploring food options, cooking new recipes together, and building new family memories.


  • Teaches Healthy Habits: Veganism fosters a healthy and balanced diet focusing on varieties of plant foods that can teach children positive habits about food and diet.
  • Encourages Empathy: Veganism develops the ability to consider different perspectives, kindness for others, and the joy of sharing the world with other creatures.
  • Supports Positive Body Image: Veganism promotes balanced dietary choices and often involves more natural, nutrient-dense, minimally processed foods that benefit overall health, leading to better self-image.
  • Promotes Active Participation: Vegan parenting encourages kids to actively participate in sustainability and ethics discussions, learn about food production and animal welfare, and actively participate in sustainable practices.
  • Builds Family Traditions: Veganism offers opportunities for families to explore new foods, taste different cuisines, and learn brand new recipes which becomes fun family traditions.

Your Kids Will Eat More Vegetables And Fruit

Did you know that vegetables and fruit are essential for growing children?

That’s right! And did you know that kids who eat more vegetables and fruit are healthier, happier, more active and smarter?

Vegetables and fruit contain vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients that help keep your child healthy. 

They also provide essential energy for growth. What’s more: Research shows that kids who eat more fruits have better concentration in school than those who don’t.

Vegan parenting is all about making the best choices for your family’s health—and that includes putting a focus on eating plenty of fresh produce every day—even when it’s challenging to find time to shop or prepare meals with busy schedules at home or school (especially during back-to-school season).

Living a vegan lifestyle is not just beneficial for our own health, it has a profound impact on the health of our planet. To learn more about the environmental impact of a vegan diet and how it can help reduce our carbon footprint, check out our insightful article on The Environmental Impact of a Vegan Diet: You’ll Be Shocked and discover the power of plant-based living.

You Will Save Money On Your Grocery Bill

You will save money on your grocery bill. The environment, animals and your health are more important than saving money though, right? That’s why vegan parenting is the best choice for your family’s health!

When you become a vegan parent, it means that you will be eating less processed food and meat and dairy products. Instead of buying a lot of these foods, you will buy more fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. This means that you will need to buy more fresh produce at the grocery store instead of frozen or canned versions of them—which can get expensive quickly!

Another way that being vegan saves money is by eating out less often too! There are many restaurants that offer vegetarian options or even have entirely veggie menus…but when it comes down to it most places still have meat in their dishes—meaning they’re not completely nutritionally balanced for vegans like myself (yes I’m gluten free too!). 

So eating out becomes even more expensive when ordering from these places since we always have to ask about ingredients lists beforehand before making any decisions about where we want our meal cooked up at home vs outside somewhere else where someone else does all the preparation work for us 😉

Your Kids Will Always Look Forward To Mealtime

Vegan food is delicious and nutritious. Your kids will always look forward to mealtime when they know they’ll be served a delicious vegan meal!

Try these tips for making vegan meals fun:

Let your kids help in the kitchen. Kids love to help make food and it gives them an opportunity to practice math, science and creativity skills. 

You can even set up a “vegan corner” in your kitchen where all of your kid-friendly recipes are kept together so that you can grab things quickly during hectic mornings or afternoons.

Serve up some finger-foods! Kids love eating with their hands so why not give them something healthy and nutritious? Try serving slices of fruit along with dark chocolate covered almonds or homemade baked goods at snack time instead of chips, cookies or crackers made with refined white flour that lack fiber content necessary for proper digestion.

Offer healthy alternatives like hummus dip instead of cheese sauce on nachos made from corn tortillas (instead of wheat flour).

Raising children on a vegan diet is an excellent way to teach them compassion for animals, healthy eating habits, and sustainability. To learn more about vegan parenting and how to raise compassionate kids, check out our comprehensive guide on The Ultimate Guide to Vegan Parenting: How to Raise Compassionate Kids and discover the joys of raising a vegan family.

Your Children Will Be Kinder To Animals And The Environment

You may be wondering, why would veganism be the best choice for your family? Well, there are a few reasons. 

First of all, it’s a lifestyle that promotes compassion and kindness toward animals as well as the environment. 

This means that you’ll be raising children who will not only have compassion for others but also believe in protecting nature from man-made damage such as pollution or climate change. They’ll see how important it is to protect our planet by eating plants instead of animals (or even worse…not eating anything at all). 

You’ll also see how important it is for people like yourself–that is if you choose veganism–to show love and respect toward animals by treating them properly when they’re alive rather than abusing them once they’re dead!

Compassion for AnimalsChildren learn empathy and respect for all forms of life, instilling a sense of compassion for animals and a desire to protect them.
Environmental AwarenessBy educating children about the environmental impact of animal agriculture, vegan parenting helps raise awareness of environmental issues.
Healthy Eating HabitsA balanced vegan diet can help instill healthy eating habits in children, leading to lifelong health benefits.
Support for Ethical BrandsVegan parenting supports ethical and sustainable businesses and products that align with values of compassion and environmental responsibility.
Promotes SustainabilityVeganism promotes a sustainable, environmentally friendly way of living that can help reduce carbon footprints and support the health and wellbeing of our planet.


  • Compassion for Animals: Avoiding animal products promotes respecting and protecting animals rather than exploiting or harming them.
  • Environmental Awareness: Vegan parenting helps to broaden children’s awareness of environmental concerns, particularly about the effects of the livestock industry and overfishing on ecosystems.
  • Healthy Eating Habits: Plant-based diets are richer in fiber, vitamins and minerals, lower in saturated fat, and have a lower risk of chronic diseases than some animal-based diets, leading to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Support for Ethical Brands: Raising kids with vegan values promotes support and use of ethical and sustainable brands that align with values of compassion and environmental responsibility.
  • Promotes Sustainability: Plant-based lifestyles help to reduce strain on natural resources globally, combat deforestation and extinction, and decrease global warming which benefits the planet and future generations.

A Vegan Diet Can Cure And Prevent Many Diseases

Veganism is good for your health, the planet and all of its inhabitants.

The first thing that people should know about vegan parenting is that a vegan diet is not only good for you but it also prevents and cures many diseases.

 Meat-based diets are linked to heart disease, cancer and diabetes while plant-based diets have been shown to reduce the risk of these conditions.

A vegan diet has also been linked with lower mortality rates in older people as well as improving memory function! In fact, studies suggest that following a vegetarian or vegan diet will extend your lifespan by up to 10 years!

This doesn’t mean you won’t be able to eat when eating out with friends or family members who aren’t quite ready yet – there are plenty of restaurants offering tasty plant-based options too! 

For example: Panera Bread offers delicious salads made from vegetables grown locally so they’re fresher than anything you’d find on your dinner table at home (plus no meat). 

As another example: Chipotle offers tofu sofritas which taste delicious smothered in guacamole (or salsa if you prefer!). 

Or try Au Bon Pain who offer warm soups made from fresh ingredients such as kale or quinoa salad with black beans; plus there are plenty more options too!

Raising your kids on a vegan diet comes with numerous benefits, from fostering a love for animals to promoting healthy eating habits. To learn more about the amazing ways a vegan diet can benefit your kids, check out our insightful article on 10 Surprising Benefits of Raising Your Kids on a Vegan Diet and discover the power of a plant-based lifestyle.

Your Child Will Never Get Tired Of Food Choices

The most important reason vegan parents choose to raise their kids on a plant-based diet is that it can provide children with an abundance of nutritious choices. Instead of having to worry about whether or not your kids will eat, you can rest assured that they’ll always be excited to dig in.

As long as you keep an open mind and get creative with your own cooking, there’s no limit to what you can serve up for dinner each night. Whether it’s pasta with tomato sauce or a homemade pizza topped with olives and mushrooms, the possibilities are endless when it comes to feeding your family. 

You may even find yourself wondering why anyone would ever eat meat when there are so many delicious alternatives out there!

Vegan Parenting Helps You To Become More Environmentally Responsible

There are many benefits to raising your kids as vegans. One of the greatest is that it helps you become more environmentally responsible.

Living a vegan lifestyle has an incredible impact on the environment, and it’s something every parent should consider for their kids. 

By eating vegan foods, you are reducing your carbon footprint and helping to reduce pollution in our atmosphere, watersheds and oceans. You’re also avoiding animal cruelty by not supporting industries that harm animals for food or clothing purposes.

Did you know that by eliminating meat from your diet once per week you can save 1,100 gallons of water (enough for 8 showers)? If everyone stopped eating beef just once per week, we could save enough water each year for two million baths! 

And if all Americans stopped eating beef today it would be like taking 6 million cars off the road!

Reduces Carbon FootprintPlant-based living has a lower greenhouse gas emission compared to animal products.
Reduces Water FootprintAnimal agriculture is a leading cause of water pollution and overconsumption of freshwater.
Promotes SustainabilitySwitching to veganism supports sustainable farming and reduces deforestation.
Reduces Waste and PollutionAnimal agriculture and meat processing generate significant waste and pollution.
Supports Eco-Friendly BusinessesVeganism promotes eco-friendly products and local, sustainable businesses.


  • Reduces Carbon Footprint: Animal farming leads to high greenhouse gas emissions, such as from livestock’s methane emissions and fertilizers used to grow animal feed.
  • Reduces Water Footprint: Animal agriculture consumes large amounts of water. For example, a pound of beef requires 1,800 to 2,500 gallons of water.
  • Promotes Sustainability: Meat production leads to deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and depletion of natural resources such as soil. By adopting a vegan diet, we can support eco-friendly farming methods.
  • Reduces Waste and Pollution: Raising animals for food and processing meat generate large amounts of waste and pollution, leading to soil and water contamination.
  • Supports Eco-Friendly Businesses: Veganism supports eco-friendly products, organic farming, and locally sourced produce.

Vegan Parenting Helps To Promote Peace

You’re not only helping your kids to become healthier, but you’re also helping the planet. Vegan parenting helps to promote peace and compassion toward other beings and the Earth itself.

Being vegan requires you to be environmentally conscious and this is one of the best ways for parents who have become vegan parents can improve their lives and those around them! 

By eating organic foods, buying products that don’t test on animals or using eco-friendly cleaning products in their homes (and everywhere else), we can all make a difference by reducing our carbon footprint while simultaneously giving our families access to nutritious food sources they may not otherwise have access too if they weren’t vegan.

Finding healthy and delicious vegan snacks for kids can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. To help you on your journey, we’ve compiled a list of The Top 10 Vegan-Friendly Snacks for Kids that are sure to satisfy even the pickiest eaters. Discover a world of plant-based snacks that your kids will love!

Vegan Parenting Is Good For Your Soul

Veganism is good for your soul. You may be thinking, “What does my soul have to do with anything?” Well, you see, it’s all connected your health, the environment and animal welfare. Veganism helps us to be more compassionate towards animals and people. 

It has been proven over and over again that eating a vegan diet can help reduce cholesterol levels in children as well as adults. 

Veganism also helps us connect more deeply with our food by making sure each ingredient we use has been sourced sustainably and locally whenever possible (or at least not shipped across oceans). 

Lastly, having a healthy relationship with nature is important because everything that happens around us depends on her! Without her there wouldn’t be any food or water so it’s important we respect what she provides us with every day of our lives!

CompassionRaising your children on a vegan diet can help instill compassion for animals, as well as respect for all forms of life.
Environmental AwarenessPlant-based living helps reduce our carbon footprint and promotes environmental sustainability.
Health and Well-beingA nutritious vegan diet can help improve your physical and mental health, as well as prevent chronic diseases.
Ethical ConsciousnessVeganism is rooted in ethical principles of non-violence, anti-oppression, and justice for all.
Positive ParentingBy raising your children on a vegan diet, you are teaching them the values of kindness, empathy, and social responsibility.


  • Compassion: Veganism promotes compassion through avoiding animal products that require harming animals.
  • Environmental Awareness: Plant-based living reduces greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution from animal agriculture.
  • Health and Well-being: A well-planned vegan diet can provide all the necessary nutrients for optimal health.
  • Ethical Consciousness: Veganism promotes ethical treatment of animals, workers, and the planet.
  • Positive Parenting: Teaching respect for all forms of life foster kindness, empathy, and social responsibility in children.


Parenting is a tough job, but it doesn’t have to be so hard and stressful. If you want to raise happy, healthy children with a strong moral compass and a passion for helping others, then veganism is the way forward! 

It’s never too late to make changes in your life and there are more resources than ever before that can help. 

We hope this article has inspired you on your journey towards becoming the best parent possible, whether or not that means going vegan. Good luck!

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about vegan diets for kids and other related topics, check out the following resources:

Is a Vegan Diet Healthy for Kids? – This BBC Future article explores the benefits, challenges, and considerations of a vegan diet for kids.

Benefits of Being Vegan – This article from GENV explores the health and environmental benefits of a vegan lifestyle.

Going Vegan for Kids – This informative article from WebMD provides helpful tips and advice on raising vegan kids and ensuring they get all the nutrients they need.


What are the benefits of a vegan diet for kids?

A vegan diet for kids can help promote healthy eating habits, instill compassion for animals, and reduce the risk of certain health conditions such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Can kids get all the nutrients they need on a vegan diet?

Yes, with careful planning, kids can get all the nutrients they need on a vegan diet. It’s important to make sure they are getting enough protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12 through a varied diet and, in some cases, supplements.

Are vegan diets safe for kids?

Yes, vegan diets can be safe for kids as long as they are nutritionally balanced and meet their individual needs. In fact, many health organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, support well-planned vegan diets for children.

What should parents consider before putting their kids on a vegan diet?

Parents should consider their child’s nutritional needs, as well as any medical conditions they may have, before putting them on a vegan diet. They should also make sure their child is willing to eat and enjoy a variety of plant-based foods.

How can parents ensure their kids are getting enough protein on a vegan diet?

Parents can ensure their kids are getting enough protein on a vegan diet by offering a variety of protein-rich foods such as beans, lentils, tofu, nuts, seeds, and plant-based meat alternatives. It’s also important to make sure kids are getting enough calories to support their growth and development.