Vegan Fitness: How To Stay Active And Healthy On A Plant-Based Diet

Now that you have decided to go vegan, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Veganism is a lifestyle and diet that requires some adjustment. 

Luckily, there are lots of great resources out there to help make this transition as easy as possible. 

If you’re looking for ways to stay active and healthy on a plant-based diet, here are some tips to get you started:

How To Eat Vegan Fitness Meals On The Go!
Key Takeaways
– A plant-based diet can provide all the nutrients needed to fuel an active lifestyle.
– Plant-based sources of protein, iron, and other important nutrients are widely available.
– Eating a variety of whole, minimally processed plant foods can help support recovery and reduce inflammation.
– Proper supplementation may be necessary in some cases, particularly for vitamin B12 and vitamin D.
– With a well-planned, nutrient-dense plant-based diet, it is possible to achieve optimal health and fitness while avoiding animal products.

Find Your Why

The first step to staying active and healthy on a vegan diet is finding your “why.” This might sound strange, but it’s important. 

Your why is the reason you want to get fit. It can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be: maybe you’re trying to live longer in order to see your children grow up or maybe you just want more energy during the day so that you can keep up with your three-year-old’s demands for games in the backyard (I used this example because I know many readers have children). 

Whatever it may be for each individual person, find what motivates and inspires them before getting started with any kind of fitness program.

Vegan Fitness: How to Stay Active and Healthy on a Plant-Based Diet “Looking for ways to integrate a healthy and sustainable plant-based diet into your fitness routine? Check out this comprehensive guide on Vegan Fitness and learn how to stay fit and active while on a vegan diet.”

Start With A Solid Foundation

In order to get the most out of your vegan-fitness experience, you should consider a few things. First and foremost, you need to make sure that your diet is as healthy as possible. Eating well will keep you energized and help you maintain a healthy weight. 

It will also help ensure that all of your body systems are working properly, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease or diabetes.

You may have heard this before: eating less meat is good for both animals and the environment. But what about people? Is it possible for vegans to stay in shape? 

The answer is yes! With an appropriate diet one that includes enough protein and other nutrients it’s possible for even those who eat primarily plant-based foods to maintain decent fitness levels

Set Yourself Up For Success By Planning Ahead

Planning ahead is one of the most effective things you can do to ensure your success on a plant-based diet. Planning will help you stay on track, save money, get more done, feel in control and be more productive.

I used to think that planning ahead was an unnecessary extra step. But now I see how much it helps me stay on track with my goals.

Planning ahead also saves money because it helps prevent impulsive purchases or eating out at restaurants (which is often more expensive than preparing food at home).

You’ll probably find yourself getting more done as well since there will be less temptation around if you’ve planned for it and prepared accordingly!

Get Your Protein Fix with these Vegan Power Foods “Worried about getting enough protein on a vegan diet? Look no further – check out this list of delicious Vegan Power Foods and learn how to easily incorporate protein-rich foods into your diet.”

Aim For Variety In Your Diet

It’s important to aim for variety in your diet, because this can make you feel more satisfied and help keep you from feeling tempted to cheat on your vegan lifestyle. It also gives you a chance to try new foods, which is one of the best things about being vegan.

Try eating something different every day you’ll probably find that different foods have different effects on your body, so doing this helps you figure out what works best for you. 

In general though, aiming for variety will ensure that all of the nutrients are being met by eating many different types of plant-based foods. 

Try adding some new spices or ingredients into your cooking routine; this will help increase both flavor and nutrition!

Food GroupExamplesBenefits
FruitsApples, bananas, orangesHigh in fiber and antioxidants
VegetablesBroccoli, spinach, kaleRich in vitamins and minerals
GrainsQuinoa, brown rice, whole wheat breadProvide sustained energy
LegumesChickpeas, lentils, black beansHigh in protein and fiber
Nuts and SeedsAlmonds, chia seeds, pumpkin seedsRich in healthy fats and protein

When following a vegan lifestyle, it’s important to aim for variety in your diet to stay satisfied and prevent temptation to cheat. Including a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds can provide a diverse range of nutrients. Brands such as Bob’s Red Mill and Go Raw have vegan options in their product lines which can further enhance the variety in your plant-based diet.

Choose Highly Nutritious Whole Foods As Often As You Can

When you’re eating a plant-based diet, it’s important to focus on whole and minimally processed foods. 

This means that you’ll need to avoid some common ingredients in processed foods and fast food things like refined sugar, refined grains, hydrogenated and saturated fats (which are largely found in animal products), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors (like red dye number 40!), and flavor enhancers called “artificial flavors.”

These ingredients are added to food for different reasons: sometimes they’re there because they help replicate a particular texture or taste; other times they’re added as preservatives or stabilizers. 

But if you can avoid them altogether by learning how to cook from scratch with wholesome ingredients like whole grains (quinoa is great!), beans (lentils are another good option), fruits and vegetables…you’ll be well on your way toward having an active lifestyle as a vegan!

Eat Healthy Fats To Feel Satiated And Satisfied

Healthy fats are essential for a healthy diet. They help you feel satiated and satisfied, which can help you maintain a healthy weight. 

Good sources of healthy fats include avocados, nuts and seeds, oils like olive oil or flaxseed oil (which contains omega-3 fatty acids), as well as any other plant-based foods that are rich in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats.

To incorporate these foods into your daily routine:

Eat two to three servings of vegetables per day — at least one serving should be leafy greens such as kale or chard; one serving should also be starchy veggies like potatoes or sweet potatoes (if they are not gluten-free).

Pair your salad with an additional source of protein such as tofu cubes or tempeh strips sautéed with onions until golden brown on both sides then served alongside between-meal snacks throughout the day if needed!

The Ultimate Vegan Fitness Guide: How to Build Muscle on a Plant-Based Diet “Are you a vegan interested in building muscle? Look no further – check out our Ultimate Vegan Fitness Guide and learn how to reach your fitness goals on a plant-based diet.”

Treat Yourself Without The Guilt

In the same way that you shouldn’t feel guilty about indulging in a vegan cupcake once in awhile, you shouldn’t feel bad about eating that steak. The key here is to avoid feeling like you have to justify any of your choices. 

If you’re making good choices most of the time and occasionally indulging yourself, then hey that’s totally fine! 

You don’t have to be perfect all the time; nothing will happen if you’ve eaten too many sweets or fried foods one day.

As long as you’re not overdoing it or eating unhealthily every day (or week), then eat what makes YOU happy!

Vegan CupcakeErin McKenna’s Bakery, Sprinkles, Karma BakerSatisfies sweet tooth without dairy or eggs
SteakOmaha Steaks, Allen Brothers, Snake River FarmsExcellent source of protein and iron

It’s important to treat yourself without guilt, whether you prefer vegan cupcakes or a juicy steak. Eating a vegan cupcake allows you to indulge in a sweet treat without consuming dairy or eggs.

Meanwhile, a steak is an excellent source of protein and iron, making it a great choice for meat-eaters. The key is to enjoy your food choices without feeling the need to justify them.

Focus On Restoratation And Recovery

To stay healthy, you need to focus on rest and restoration. As a vegan athlete, you’ll be doing more endurance training than most people. 

That means it’s important to eat enough calories and make sure your body has all the nutrients it needs for recovery.

This means eating enough food overall (especially carbs) as well as taking supplements like B12, DHA/EPA/ALA omega-3s if you’re an active person who doesn’t eat much seafood. 

It also means getting enough sleep and making sure your sleep is good quality so that your body has time to recover from the stress of exercise and build new muscle mass or repair old ones.

Furthermore, there are other ways to improve recovery: meditation, mindfulness practice, yoga stretches, breathing exercises. These activities can help you relax after exercise so that your muscles heal faster; they also reduce anxiety and stress levels which can be damaging over time if left unchecked.

10 Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes That Will Make You Forget Meat “Are you tired of the same old vegan meals? Check out our list of mouthwatering vegan recipes that will have you forgetting all about meat. Enjoy delicious and healthy plant-based meals that are easy to prepare and bursting with flavor.”

Supplement When Necessary.

Supplementation is not a magic pill. It’s not going to help you reach your fitness goals or recover from injuries faster, but it can make a significant difference in how you feel and perform.

Supplements have been used for centuries as an effective way to improve health and wellness, so it’s no surprise that they’re now widely accepted as part of the plant-based diet lifestyle. While supplements are not necessary for everyone, they can be useful in certain cases where extra nutrients might be needed or wanted by the body.

Mix It Up To Mix It Up!

To keep your body guessing, you should vary your routine. Varying your routine can help you avoid plateaus, boredom, and injuries as well. 

If you’re doing the same workout in the same way every week for months on end, it won’t be long before your body becomes used to it—and when that happens, results start slowing down.

Mixing up what type of exercise you do is smart as well as fun: running one day (or week), yoga another day (or week), and strength training a third day (or week). 

You can also consider alternating types of workouts during the same session: cardio followed by lifting or core work.

Type of ExerciseBrandsBenefits
CardioPeloton, SoulCycle, Beachbody on DemandImproves endurance and heart health
Strength TrainingBowflex, NordicTrack, TRXBuilds muscle and increases metabolism
YogaAlo Yoga, Lululemon, Beyond YogaEnhances flexibility and reduces stress
PilatesBalanced Body, Peak Pilates, TRXIncreases core strength and improves posture

Varying your routine by including different types of exercise, such as cardio, strength training, yoga, and Pilates, can help avoid plateaus, boredom, and injuries. Using popular brands can also provide structure and motivation to stay on track with your fitness goals.

Be Grateful And Celebrate Your Victories

It’s important to be grateful for what you have, and celebrate your victories. We’ve all had some pretty amazing moments on our journey. Maybe a fellow runner asked you about your vegan diet and you were able to help them out (or vice versa). 

Maybe you got inspired by another vegan athlete and started training for a 5k or even a marathon! Whatever it is that made your day, don’t let it pass without acknowledgement. If possible, share these moments with others so they can be encouraged by yours as well.

Be kind to yourself; make time for yourself! Don’t beat yourself up if one workout isn’t up to par with what has been previously achieved–every single workout counts towards better health no matter how small or large the progress may seem at the time of doing it!

15 Easy Ways to Get Enough Protein on a Vegan Diet “Getting enough protein on a vegan diet doesn’t have to be a struggle – check out our list of 15 easy ways to incorporate protein into your meals and snacks. From tempeh to peanut butter, these nutrient-rich solutions will help keep you feeling full and energized.”


We hope you enjoyed this article and found some useful tips for staying fit on your plant-based journey. 

As always, the most important thing is to keep at it! Remember that you are doing something good for yourself, the planet and our fellow animals by eating a plant-based diet. 

Take care of yourself in all ways possible, because when we take care of ourselves we are better able to give back in positive ways as well.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources if you are interested in learning more about the intersection of veganism and fitness:


What are the best plant-based foods for athletes?

Plant-based foods that are high in protein such as lentils, tofu, tempeh, chickpeas, and quinoa are a great source of nutrients for athletes.

Can you build muscle on a vegan diet?

Yes, you can build muscle on a vegan diet as long as you consume enough protein and participate in a proper strength training program.

Is it necessary to supplement on a vegan diet?

It’s not always necessary to supplement on a vegan diet, but it’s recommended to supplement with B12 and Vitamin D, as these nutrients are often lacking in plant-based diets.

How can I increase my protein intake on a vegan diet?

Incorporating protein-rich foods such as beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds, as well as fortified vegan protein powders and bars are great ways to increase protein intake.

Will I have enough energy to exercise on a vegan diet?

Yes, plant-based diets can provide enough energy for exercise, especially when consuming complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, and fruits and vegetables in their natural state.